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I have certainly had many unpleasant experiences in life: enormous financial setbacks, injuries and lingering pains, marital woes, professional frustration in two fields, et al. However, I believe in karma, and this carries over to things that either should not have happened or else should have happened but did not.

A character in the first novel of my series explains, "When people hurt you, always express your gratitude, for only the pain they give you can bring this cycle to a close."

If I have "regrets," it is only that it has taken me so long to learn that I have to let go of my regrets! They all relate to things that happened earlier. The challenge is to live in the moment, which means to let go of the imprisoning chains and suffocating ashes of a dead past. Learn from one's mistakes? Absolutely! Spend the rest of one's life brooding on them? Hell, no!

Thank you for this article.

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